examples.yaml --- apiVersion: krew.googlecontainertools.github.com/v1alpha2 kind: Plugin metadata: name: examples spec: version: "v0.0.5" homepage: https://github.com/ContainerSolutions/kubernetes-examples shortDescription: "Prints sample manifests" description: | A reference repository of YAML with canonical and as-simple-as-possible demonstrations of kubernetes functionality and features. Usage: interactively selecting resource type: kubectl examples interactively selecting yaml: kubectl examples Service create a sample ingress while modifying it: kubectl examples Ingress fanout | kubectl create -f - --edit platforms: - selector: matchExpressions: - key: "os" operator: "In" values: - darwin - linux uri: https://github.com/ContainerSolutions/kubernetes-examples/releases/download/v0.0.5/examples.tar.gz sha256: 5dc4960ede8aae63a3f0149b14f65a487a1ebba1a9905cb881f6275e40eda26e files: - from: "*" to: "." bin: kubectl-examples